Do you:You find yourself in a dark forest at night, you hear a strange and frightening sound. Feel free to share your result with us already, using the the hashtag #PlayNewWorld.Read more about the Faction here.You are exploring ancient ruins and see a shining object in the rubble.

In this faction you will be united with other evangelists of justice, trying to change Aeternum to reflect their beliefs.Remember to choose your faction wisely, when you play New World in 2021. With your righteous ideals, you'd fit perfectly in the Covenant. Together you will explore the hidden secrets and mysteries of Aeternum.Remember to choose your faction wisely, when you play New World in 2021.Feel free to share your result with us already, using the the hashtag #PlayNewWorld.Read more about the Factions here.I belong with the Covenant!You are a true believer! You believe the world must be cleansed of all evil and corrupted forces. Others perceive you as secretive and mysterious and might even underestimate you, which you only use to your advantage.In the Syndicate you will meet many other allies with a hunger for knowledge. You defy your enemies by studying them and identifying their weak spot. The Marauders would be the right faction for you, as you would battle side by side the strongest fighters of Aeternum.Remember to choose your faction wisely, when you play New World in 2021.Feel free to share your result with us already, using the the hashtag #PlayNewWorld.Read more about The Factions here.I belong in the Syndicate!Your biggest weapon is your brain.

No matter what, or who, is in your way! Admittedly, you might act before thinking sometimes, but you have never been late for a battle.

Which #PlayNewWorld Faction is right for you?This quiz will help you determine if you should service along side the Marauders, belong among the Syndicate, or have a place in the ranks of the Covenant.Answer the following questions to learn which of these Factions is the best fit for you.I am a Marauder!When you want something, you let everyone know and won’t stop until you get it.